BMLP EA036 (BMLP E60C-2)

Far away from any other railway and deep in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation there's a hidden gem for railway enthusiats: the Black Mesa & Lake Powell Railway. The BM&LP runs coal unit trains between the coal mine at Black Mesa to the Electric Power Plant at Page near the Lake Powell. Due to the availability of electric power, the line is electrified with 50kV @ 60Hz. Originally run by six E60CF delivered by General Electrics they were replaced in the 2000s by second hand E60C-2 built originally for the Nacionales de Mexico. The units were practiically brand new - the electrification project in Mexico was only in service for some months.
Unfortunately the line is settled to be shut down somewhen in spring 2019. The Power Plant will be shut down by then and with the plant gone there is neither traffic nor electricity for the railway...

Thomas Reitzel 14-09-2018

Ein erstaunliches Bild, das man kaum in den USA verorten würde, weil man bisher so gut wie nichts über diese Strecke erfahren hat.
Mal sehen, wie es weitergeht - Trump lässt grüssen!
BG, Tom

342 14 100 20-08-2018
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Exposure: 1/1000
Aperture: F/9
Focal length: 34 mm
ISO: 320
Time: 16:25:26